Inspiring Stories from MBT Clients
At MBT we believe you have the ability to heal and rewire yourself! Here are a few of our success stories.

Allie B.
College Student
For as long as I could remember I had anxiety in social situations that clashed with my natural extroversion. When that began causing me debilitating migraines I sought help from Erika at MINDBODYTEK and my life changed drastically. Through the entire process I felt like I was being heard, and rather than expressing my feelings aimlessly, it was the first therapy session I’ve had where I actually felt like we were working to identify the root of the problem. Within the session we dove deep into how my emotions were impacting my daily life, and Erika made sure to address every aspect of what was affecting me so that I would truly feel closure by the end. After my session the relief was immediate, and combined with take home exercises, I have not suffered from the same feelings of social anxiety or stress migraines since. I highly recommend MINDBODYTEK as Erika has helped me through numerous struggles that I would not have been able to identify on my own. And although a skeptic at first, I now truly believe in muscle testing as a time efficient and reliable method to finding the root of mental health issues, and I am a prime example of the instant relief it provides.
Jesse M.
English Teacher
I’ve battled with migraines since I was 11 years old. I contacted MBT and we were able to link my headaches to a traumatic event at that age. Everything started to make sense, it was so fascinating! Now I am able to see how my body speaks and recognize when something isn’t right or needs to be addressed.
Taylor G.
Social Service Specialist
For 15 years I have experienced shame, guilt and anger which lead to substance abuse. I blamed myself for everything and I didn’t know why. MINDBODYTEK got to the root of my shame and the trauma connected. I was able to release myself from the lies I believed and put the blame back where it belonged. I’ve never felt so clear minded and free!
Carla M.
Stay at Home Mom
The greatest achievement through my experience with MBT would be the healing I've experienced from my sexual assault trauma. I never felt safe and lived a life full of anxiety, shame and fear. MBT allowed me to process through the trauma and help me regain the power that was taken from me. I now walk with confidence and I’m excited for my future!